Saturday, 14 November 2009

Badges Project (ongoing)


To design a number of badges for printing. The only constrains are size (design must fit in a 25mm circumference + any amount of bleed space you like (max. is 5 mm around) and that the 35mm edge perimeter MUST BE VISIBLE (so the design can be accurately put into the badge machine. The badges are printable at 100 for £18.50

I started the project today and spent around 3 hours on the idea making so far, including rough sketches of badges (pictures to come). These are topics I've covered so far:
  • Stupid Phrases - "I Love Your Mum", "I Love Offensive Jokes" - Potential humor
  • Patterns to use - Tartan, Burberry - Strong visual impact, predetermined associations (Scottish, Chav)
  • Things you might want people to know - "Happy to Talk" badges for use on the underground, Gaypride - Niche audience, likely unoriginal
  • Plot spoilers of classic films - "They kill the shark", "Bruce Willis is dead all along", "Vader is Luke's father" - Humor through annoyance, original
  • Actual Hobbies (including jargon so it would appeal more to the niche) - "Love my Radeon x900e", "Love my Wacom" etc. - Appealing to hobbyists
  • Designer Specific - "Ctrl", "Alt", "Delete", "Apple key" - Appealing to designers
  • Shortcuts - 'Apple key' and +/-, 'Apple Key' 'Alt' symbol and 'Shift' arrow - Strong visual reference for designers
  • Geek Sheik - "I Love 120+ GsM paper", "I Love Bad Design"
  • Ironic Statements - "I love rain" - Potential for humor
  • Famous Quotes - "Here's looking at you kid", "Do you feel lucky? Well do ya punk?" - Very recognisable
  • Personality Traits - "I'm so hungry", Lazy (zzz) etc. - Humor, in a self mocking sort of way...
  • Arrogant Phrases - "I'm HOT", "I'm too sexy for my ____" - Ironic humor
  • Could be linked to the seven deadly sins? Could make a series of 7 deadly sins badges?
  • Inverted Purpose - Showing an image of the back of a pin
  • This is the outside image of the badge. I think I remember someone telling me about this idea so I won't persue it.
  • Quirky Pictures - Pictures of odd people - Strong visual humor
  • Famous Song Lyrics - "Can't touch this.", "Peanut butter jelly time"
  • Ironic Scenes - figure doing something unexpected (not necessarily political) - Potential for humor/emotional impact
  • Iconic Scenes - Tiananeman square, Agit. Prop. - Strong visual impact
  • Insults (Bad Ones) - "Yer mum", "So's your face", "F@?K Y+U!!"
  • Changing the Badge Itself - Giving the badge the appearance of being bitten into with a hole punch - Very original, but will either work or won't.
  • Disillusions of our Generation - Something like "Santa/Tooth fairy isn't real, but thank god the birds and the bees are", "Heaven is as real as Father Christmas" - Humor
  • Random Phrases - check facebook groups
    "When I was your age there were only 150 Pokemon"
    "The real reason we invaded iraq was to catch rare Pokemon"
    "Guns don't kill people I do"
    "Dyslexic druggies take F"
More to Come...